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Search for companies in the Activities of business, employers and professional membership organisations

94.12 - Activities of professional membership organisations

This class includes: - activities of organisations whose members' interests centre chiefly on a particular scholarly discipline or professional practice or technical field, such as medical associations, legal associations, accounting associations, engineering associations, architects associations etc. - activities of associations of specialists engaged in scientific, academic or cultural activities, such as associations of writers, painters, performers of various kinds, journalists etc. - dissemination of information, the establishment and supervision of standards of practice, representation before government agencies and public relations of professional organisations

This class excludes: - education provided by these organisations, see division 85

CAEN A Agricoltura, silvicoltura e pesca 

94.12 - Activities of professional membership organisations

This class includes: - activities of organisations whose members' interests centre chiefly on a particular scholarly discipline or professional practice or technical field, such as medical associations, legal associations, accounting associations, engineering associations, architects associations etc. - activities of associations of specialists engaged in scientific, academic or cultural activities, such as associations of writers, painters, performers of various kinds, journalists etc. - dissemination of information, the establishment and supervision of standards of practice, representation before government agencies and public relations of professional organisations

This class excludes: - education provided by these organisations, see division 85