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93.12 - Activities of sports clubs
This class includes the activities of sports clubs, which, whether professional, semi-professional or amateur clubs, give their members the opportunity to engage in sporting activities. This class includes: - operation of sports clubs: . football clubs . bowling clubs . swimming clubs . golf clubs . boxing clubs . winter sports clubs . chess clubs . track and field clubs . shooting clubs, etc.
This class excludes: - sports instruction by individual teachers, trainers, see 85.51 - operation of sports facilities, see 93.11 - organisation and operation of outdoor or indoor sports events for professionals or amateurs by sports clubs with their own facilities, see 93.11
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93.12 - Activities of sports clubs
This class includes the activities of sports clubs, which, whether professional, semi-professional or amateur clubs, give their members the opportunity to engage in sporting activities. This class includes: - operation of sports clubs: . football clubs . bowling clubs . swimming clubs . golf clubs . boxing clubs . winter sports clubs . chess clubs . track and field clubs . shooting clubs, etc.
This class excludes: - sports instruction by individual teachers, trainers, see 85.51 - operation of sports facilities, see 93.11 - organisation and operation of outdoor or indoor sports events for professionals or amateurs by sports clubs with their own facilities, see 93.11