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Procura de empresas na Curtimenta e acabamento de peles sem pêlo; fabricação de artigos de viagem e de uso pessoal, de marroquinaria, de correeiro e de seleiro; curtimenta e acabamento de de peles com pêlo

15.11 - Curtimenta e acabamento de peles sem pêlo e com pêlo

This class includes: - tanning, dyeing and dressing of hides and skins - manufacture of chamois dressed, parchment dressed, patent or metallised leathers - manufacture of composition leather - scraping, shearing, plucking, currying, tanning, bleaching and dyeing of fur skins and hides with the hair on

This class excludes: - production of hides and skins as part of ranching, see 01.4 - production of hides and skins as part of slaughtering, see 10.11 - manufacture of leather apparel, see 14.11 - manufacture of imitation leather not based on natural leather, see 22.19, 22.29

CAEN A Agricoltura, silvicoltura e pesca 

15.11 - Curtimenta e acabamento de peles sem pêlo e com pêlo

This class includes: - tanning, dyeing and dressing of hides and skins - manufacture of chamois dressed, parchment dressed, patent or metallised leathers - manufacture of composition leather - scraping, shearing, plucking, currying, tanning, bleaching and dyeing of fur skins and hides with the hair on

This class excludes: - production of hides and skins as part of ranching, see 01.4 - production of hides and skins as part of slaughtering, see 10.11 - manufacture of leather apparel, see 14.11 - manufacture of imitation leather not based on natural leather, see 22.19, 22.29