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Procura de empresas na Edição de livros e periódicos e outras actividades de edição

58.12 - Edição de repertórios e listas de endereços

This class includes the publishing of lists of facts/information (databases), that are protected in their form, but not in their content. These lists can be published in printed or electronic form. This class includes: - publishing of mailing lists - publishing of telephone books - publishing of other directories and compilations, such as case law, pharmaceutical compendia etc.

CAEN A Agricoltura, silvicoltura e pesca 

58.12 - Edição de repertórios e listas de endereços

This class includes the publishing of lists of facts/information (databases), that are protected in their form, but not in their content. These lists can be published in printed or electronic form. This class includes: - publishing of mailing lists - publishing of telephone books - publishing of other directories and compilations, such as case law, pharmaceutical compendia etc.