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Procura de empresas na Extracção e preparação de minérios metálicos não-ferrosos

07.21 - Extracção de minérios de urânio e de tório

This class includes: - mining of ores chiefly valued for uranium and thorium content: pitchblende etc. - concentration of such ores - manufacture of yellowcake

This class excludes: - enrichment of uranium and thorium ores, see 20.13 - production of uranium metal from pitchblende or other ores, see 24.46 - smelting and refining of uranium, see 24.46

CAEN A Agricoltura, silvicoltura e pesca 

07.21 - Extracção de minérios de urânio e de tório

This class includes: - mining of ores chiefly valued for uranium and thorium content: pitchblende etc. - concentration of such ores - manufacture of yellowcake

This class excludes: - enrichment of uranium and thorium ores, see 20.13 - production of uranium metal from pitchblende or other ores, see 24.46 - smelting and refining of uranium, see 24.46