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Procura de empresas na Edição de livros e periódicos e outras actividades de edição

58.19 - Outras actividades de edição

This class includes: - publishing (including on-line) of: . catalogues . photos, engravings and postcards . greeting cards . forms . posters, reproduction of works of art . advertising material . other printed matter - on-line publishing of statistics and other information

This class excludes: - publishing of advertising newspapers, see 58.13 - on-line provision of software (application hosting and application service provisioning), see 63.11

CAEN A Agricoltura, silvicoltura e pesca 

58.19 - Outras actividades de edição

This class includes: - publishing (including on-line) of: . catalogues . photos, engravings and postcards . greeting cards . forms . posters, reproduction of works of art . advertising material . other printed matter - on-line publishing of statistics and other information

This class excludes: - publishing of advertising newspapers, see 58.13 - on-line provision of software (application hosting and application service provisioning), see 63.11