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Procura de empresas na Culturas temporárias
01.19 - Outras culturas temporárias
This class includes the growing of all other non-perennial crops: - growing of swedes, mangolds, fodder roots, clover, alfalfa, sainfoin, fodder maize and other grasses, forage kale and similar forage products - growing of beet seeds (excluding sugar beet seeds) and seeds of forage plants - growing of flowers - production of cut flowers and flower buds - growing of flower seeds
This class excludes: - growing of non-perennial spices, aromatic, drug and pharmaceutical crops, see 01.28
Agricoltura, silvicoltura e pesca
01.19 - Outras culturas temporárias
This class includes the growing of all other non-perennial crops: - growing of swedes, mangolds, fodder roots, clover, alfalfa, sainfoin, fodder maize and other grasses, forage kale and similar forage products - growing of beet seeds (excluding sugar beet seeds) and seeds of forage plants - growing of flowers - production of cut flowers and flower buds - growing of flower seeds
This class excludes: - growing of non-perennial spices, aromatic, drug and pharmaceutical crops, see 01.28