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Search for companies in the Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fats

10.41 - Manufacture of oils and fats

This class includes: - manufacture of crude vegetable oils: olive oil, soya-bean oil, palm oil, sunflower-seed oil, cotton-seed oil, rape, colza or mustard oil, linseed oil etc. - manufacture of non-defatted flour or meal of oilseeds, oil nuts or oil kernels - manufacture of refined vegetable oils: olive oil, soya-bean oil etc. - processing of vegetable oils: blowing, boiling, dehydration, hydrogenation etc.

This class excludes: - rendering and refining of lard and other edible animal fats, see 10.11 - manufacture of margarine, see 10.42 - wet corn milling, see 10.62 - manufacture of corn oil, see 10.62 - production of essential oils, see 20.53 - treatment of oil and fats by chemical processes, see 20.59

CAEN A Agricoltura, silvicoltura e pesca 

10.41 - Manufacture of oils and fats

This class includes: - manufacture of crude vegetable oils: olive oil, soya-bean oil, palm oil, sunflower-seed oil, cotton-seed oil, rape, colza or mustard oil, linseed oil etc. - manufacture of non-defatted flour or meal of oilseeds, oil nuts or oil kernels - manufacture of refined vegetable oils: olive oil, soya-bean oil etc. - processing of vegetable oils: blowing, boiling, dehydration, hydrogenation etc.

This class excludes: - rendering and refining of lard and other edible animal fats, see 10.11 - manufacture of margarine, see 10.42 - wet corn milling, see 10.62 - manufacture of corn oil, see 10.62 - production of essential oils, see 20.53 - treatment of oil and fats by chemical processes, see 20.59