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Procura de empresas na Actividades de enfermagem com alojamento

87.10 - Actividades de enfermagem com alojamento

This class includes: - activities of: . homes for the elderly with nursing care . convalescent homes . rest homes with nursing care . nursing care facilities . nursing homes

This class excludes: - in-home services provided by health care professionals, see division 86 - activities of the homes for the elderly without or with minimal nursing care, see 87.30 - social work activities with accommodation, such as orphanages, children's boarding homes and hostels, temporary homeless shelters, see 87.90

CAEN A Agricoltura, silvicoltura e pesca 

87.10 - Actividades de enfermagem com alojamento

This class includes: - activities of: . homes for the elderly with nursing care . convalescent homes . rest homes with nursing care . nursing care facilities . nursing homes

This class excludes: - in-home services provided by health care professionals, see division 86 - activities of the homes for the elderly without or with minimal nursing care, see 87.30 - social work activities with accommodation, such as orphanages, children's boarding homes and hostels, temporary homeless shelters, see 87.90