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Procura de empresas na Actividades de gravação de som e edição de música

59.20 - Actividades de gravação de som e edição de música

This class includes the activities of production of original (sound) master recordings, such as tapes, CDs; releasing, promoting and distributing sound recordings to wholesalers, retailers or directly to the public. These activities might be integrated or not with the production of master recordings in the same unit. If not, the unit exercising these activities has to obtain the reproduction and distribution rights to master recordings.

CAEN A Agricoltura, silvicoltura e pesca 

59.20 - Actividades de gravação de som e edição de música

This class includes the activities of production of original (sound) master recordings, such as tapes, CDs; releasing, promoting and distributing sound recordings to wholesalers, retailers or directly to the public. These activities might be integrated or not with the production of master recordings in the same unit. If not, the unit exercising these activities has to obtain the reproduction and distribution rights to master recordings.