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Procura de empresas na Actividades postais com obrigação de serviço universal

53.10 - Actividades postais com obrigação de serviço universal

This class includes the activities of postal services operating under a universal service obligation by one or more designated universal service providers. The activities include use of the universal service infrastructure, including retail locations, sorting and processing facilities, and carrier routes to pickup and deliver the mail. The delivery can include letter-post, i.e. letters, postcards, printed papers (newspaper, periodicals, advertising items, etc.), small packets, goods or documents. Also included are other services necessary to support the universal service obligation. This class includes: - pickup, sorting, transport and delivery (domestic or international) of letter-post and (mail-type) parcels and packages by postal services operating under a universal service obligation. One or more modes of transport may be involved and the activity may be carried out with either self-owned (private) transport or via public transport. - collection of letter-mail and parcels from public letter-boxes or from post offices

This class excludes: - postal giro, postal savings activities and money order activities, see 64.19

CAEN A Agricoltura, silvicoltura e pesca 

53.10 - Actividades postais com obrigação de serviço universal

This class includes the activities of postal services operating under a universal service obligation by one or more designated universal service providers. The activities include use of the universal service infrastructure, including retail locations, sorting and processing facilities, and carrier routes to pickup and deliver the mail. The delivery can include letter-post, i.e. letters, postcards, printed papers (newspaper, periodicals, advertising items, etc.), small packets, goods or documents. Also included are other services necessary to support the universal service obligation. This class includes: - pickup, sorting, transport and delivery (domestic or international) of letter-post and (mail-type) parcels and packages by postal services operating under a universal service obligation. One or more modes of transport may be involved and the activity may be carried out with either self-owned (private) transport or via public transport. - collection of letter-mail and parcels from public letter-boxes or from post offices

This class excludes: - postal giro, postal savings activities and money order activities, see 64.19